Last week I received the:
From the fabulous Amanda at Fun 4 Me
Please go check out Amanda's blog and her wonderful projects. Thank you Amanda
for choosing me. :)
Upon receiving this award I must…
*Thank the person who gave this award to me and link back to their blog
*Share 8 things about myself
*Pass this award to 8 other individuals that I have recently discovered
*Leave a comment so that they can pass along the recognition.
8 Things about me:
1. Happily married for 25 years on April 5, 2011 (YAY!)
*Thank the person who gave this award to me and link back to their blog
*Share 8 things about myself
*Pass this award to 8 other individuals that I have recently discovered
*Leave a comment so that they can pass along the recognition.
8 Things about me:
1. Happily married for 25 years on April 5, 2011 (YAY!)
2. I have 3 of the most wonderful children.
3. I love my animals: 3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 horse (who is the other man in my life, shhh) hehe
4. I have the BEST friends ever (we have each other's back at all times)
5. I am addicted to crafting (Yes, I am in CA (Crafters Anonymous) ;)
6. I love pedicures and massages.
7. Disneyland is my Happiest Place on Earth!
8. I LOVE LIFE!! (Live it to the fullest, my glass is always 1/2 full)
I would like to pass this award on to:
1. Victoria at
2. Rachel at
3. Elaine at
4. Alison at
5. Sherri at
6. Jamie at
7. Elizabeth at
8. Tawny at
I love all of these blogs and encourage you to check them out. :)
Congratulations everyone!

Just wanted to say thanks for the Stylish award! Im following your blog, and love it!:)